La actividad se desarrollaría de la siguiente manera:

1st session.-
    1) El/la profesor/a cuenta el cuento pegando las imágenes en la pizarra a la vez que nombra/presenta los distintos elementos:
the small billy-goat, the middle sized billy-goat, the big billy-goat, the troll, the bridge, the long grass and  the river.

    2) El/la "profe" pide a l@s alumn@s que elijan uno de los elementos de la historia y lo dibujen. Como las flashcards se han quedado en la pizarra, l@s alumn@s que tengan problemas pueden copiarl@s.

    3) Una vez que han terminado, se elige uno de cada elemento (billy-goat, bridge, river, troll,..) y se saca ala pizarra mostrando su dibujo. Se les avisa de que cada vez que oigan su nombre, deben dar una vuelta alrededor de todos sus "compas" de la pizarra. El/la "profe" vuelve a contar el cuento. Tod@s quieren participar, así que se puede repetir otra vez.

    4) Para terminar la sesión, se divide la clase en grupos 5/6 alumn@s y se les entrega la historia desordenada, recortada en un sobre. Ell@s deben ordenarla correctamente (sin pegar). Se corrige y se pegan.

REALIA.-Si hay posibilidad, pedir a la clase que traiga disfraces de cualquiera de los personajes.

2nd session.-
    1) Repetimos el punto 3 de la primera sesión, con disfraces si l@s chic@s los han traído.

    2) El/la "profe" avisa de que va a contar el cuento con errores, cuando esto ocurra, ell@s deberán levantar la mano y corregirl@.

    3) A estas alturas l@s chic@s conocen de manera suficiente el cuento como para dictarselo un@s a otr@s. Podéis entonces elegir entre dos tipos de dictados: el que suelen hacer "corriendo" u otro del tipo de "information G.A.P".

    5) Podríamos terminar con "simple Maths problems"

    * A billy-goat eats 1 metre of grass in one hour. How many metres will eat the three billy-goats in one hour? And in three hours?
 3rd session.-
    1) Se dedicaría a memorizar y representar la historia.

Nota: Alguna vez la he grabado en vídeo y luego la hemos aprovechado para pasarsela y detectar errores de pronunciación

    Esta es la historia:


Once upon a time, there were three billy-goats: a small billy goat, a middle-sized billy-goat an a big billy-goat.

The three billy-goats lived near a bridge. Under the bridge lived an ugly troll.

But the grass on the other side of the bridge was long and green, and the billy-goats were very hungry.

The small billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you!

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the small billy-goat. I'm very small. Wait for my brother. He's bigger and fatter    than me.

- OK, roared the troll.

Then the middle-sized billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you!

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the middle-sized billy-goat. I'm very small. Wait for my brother. He's bigger and fatter than me.

- OK, roared the troll.

Then the big billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you!

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the big billy-goat. I'm bigger and stronger than you.

And with his two big horns, the big billy-goat tossed the troll into the river, and the three billy-goats lived happily ever after.

Aquí está el cuento con errores:


Once upon a time, there were FOUR billy-goats: a small billy goat, a middle-sized billy-goat an a TALL billy-goat.

The three billy-goats lived near a bridge. Under the bridge lived an ugly troll.

But the grass on the other side of the bridge was SHORT and GREY, and the billy-goats were very hungry.

The small billy-goat went over the FRIDGE.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you!

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the small billy-TOAST. I'm very small. Wait for my brother. He's bigger and fatter than me.

- OK, roared the troll.

Then the middle-sized billy-goat went UNDER the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to DRINK you!

* Oh, no, Mr. SMALL, said the middle-sized billy-goat. I'm very small. Wait for my MOTHER. He's bigger and fatter than me.

- OK, roared the troll.

Then the big billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my PORRIDGE? said the troll. I'm going to eat you!

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the big billy-goat. I'm bigger and TALLER than you.

And with his THREE big horns, the big billy-goat tossed the troll into the river, and the three billy-goats lived happily ever after.

Historia desordenada para reordenar:


Then the big billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you.

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the big billy-goat. I'm bigger and stronger than you.

Once upon a time, there were three billy-goats: a small billy goat, a middle-sized billy-goat an a big billy-goat. The three billy-goats lived near a bridge.

The small billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you.

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the small billy-goat. I'm very small. Wait for my brother. He's bigger and fatter than me.

- OK, roared the troll.

And with his two big horns, the big billy-goat tossed the trol into the river, and the three billy-goats lived happily ever after.


Under the bridge lived an ugly troll.

But the grass on the other side of the bridge was long and green, and the billy-goats were very hungry.


Then the middle-sized billy-goat went over the bridge.

- Who's that on my bridge? said the troll. I'm going to eat you.

* Oh, no, Mr. Troll, said the middle-sized billy-goat. I'm very small. Wait for my brother. He's bigger and fatter than me.

- OK, roared the troll.



Pair Work dictation.

Preparación: el/la profesor/a prepara 10 copias del dictado "A" y otras 10 de"B". Comienza distribuyendo las de "A" por la clase de modo que los alumn@s sentados, no puedan alcanzar a verlas.

En este tipo de dictado, l@s alumn@s se dividen en parejas: A y B. "B" se levanta , va al dictado más próximo, memoriza una parte y vuelve para dictarlo a "A". Así continúa hasta que se lo haya dictado entero. Cuando termina, le entrega una de las copias para que se auto-corrija. "A" puede repetir 3 veces cada falta. El/la profesor/a, cambia las fotocopias y se invierten los papeles.

    Textos de los dictados.


The middle-sized billy-goat went over the bridge.

* Who's that on my bridge ? I`m going to eat you.

- Oh no, Mr. Troll. I`m very small. Wait for my brother.

He`s bigger and fatter than me.

* Ok, said the Troll.


Then, the big billy-goat went over the bridge.

* Who's that on my bridge? said the troll.

I'm going to eat you.

* Oh no, Mr Troll, said the big billy-goat.

I'm bigger and stronger than you!.


Information G.A.P. L@s alumn@s tienen que compartir la información. "B" comienza a dictar y se detiene al encontrar un hueco en blanco, entonces, "A" continúa, y así se van alternando hasta terminar; entonces comparan y se corrigen.

   Textos de los dictados.



____   ______ billy-goat went _____   ___   _______.

* Who's that on  ___  ______ ? I`m going  ___   ____   ____.

- Oh no, Mr. Troll.  __` __   _____   _____. Wait for  ___  ______.

He's bigger  ____   ______ than me.

*  ___,   _____ the Troll.



The small  _____ - _____   _____ over the bridge.

* ____'  __   ____   ___  my bridge ?  __` __

______  to eat you.

-  ___  ___,  ___   ______. I`m very small.  _____  for my brother.

___'  __   ______  and fatter  ____   __.

* Ok, said  ___   _____.


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